With gratefulness to G’d we celebrate 2 years in Israel.
The best is yet to come…
Just a quick post to share some photos and videos.
Last month we had both of the kid’s “graduation” parties.
Let me first share a video from Batya’s graduation that is very appropriate for today (9 of AV) followed by photos from the event:
Below some photos from Ilan’s graduation from Gan Trom Trom as well as links to videos (only for hardcore fans):
This week this blog celebrated its 2nd Birthday. Thanks for your following (or not?).
I most admit this year was not as strong as the previous one, time and strengths to write are different now, but I’m still here…
So the blog has had 8,084 visits, from 74 countries, appeared on 270 searches. Can you guess what the top searches have been for my blog? “eggnog” “sachlav” and “rompope” (no kidding). Do you remember the memorable post: From Rompope to Eggnog to Sachlav?
Another popular Google search has been “Sabra Album” I guess thanks to these:
Sabra Album Take 1 , Take 2 , Take 3, Take 4, Take 5, Take 6 – Marketing Edition and Machane Yehuda Edition
Last year we celebrated here Happy Birthday Blog - 1 Year
And now for the exciting announcement (drum roll please…)
The “Next Family Visit” countdown clock will be reset to August 10 when we will be welcoming with so much excitement to my in-laws. We are so happy and proud of them. Congratulations suegros!!!
We are so happy to be able to re-unite little by little the family in our real home, we are happy to have parents and grandparents here in Israel for us and for the kids. What they don’t know is that even though we got here before they did, a strong reason why we are here is because of them and the education that they gave to their children.
We are looking forward to welcoming you at the Airport!!!!!