Lets be thankful to G'd for all the good changes and opportunities he provided in 2009 and those that are already coming in 2010. Cheers for a great new beginning! Here is a picture I recently took of a shelf full of Rompope. Lets celebrate! (remember from my previous blog post From Rompope to Eggnog to Sachlav?)
The boys gave a good game yesterday against the Ravens but odds are against us and I don’t think we will make it to the playoffs. Nevertheless my support to the Steelers continues from the Holy Land.
I guess we each have our own Holy City.
I recently came across the following video (Thanks Yossi).Enjoy on the link below and you will understand what I mean.
To all my Jewish readers, I hope you had a wonderful Chanukah, to others:
Happy Holidays!
If you have been following the blog for over a year you might recall a post titled “Working on Dec. 25” where I recall that it’s my first Dec. 25th in my professional life that I work. Take a look at it here: Happy Holidays - Work on Dec. 25
Why didn’t I work this Dec. 25? Well…nothing to do with the date, it’s just a Friday and over here our weekend is on Fridays and Saturdays.
We actually had a very special Dec. 25 and 26th with some very special guests that stayed with us this Shabbat.
This Shabbat we were lucky to have the opportunity to volunteer to host 2 soldiers from a special program called Nativ. These soldiers are new immigrants from the Former Soviet Union that came to live in Israel from Jewish families however are not Jewish according to halacha (Jewish law). This program is the first of other seminars that these soldiers are doing as part of their formal conversion program.
It was special for me to be able to take them to the synagogue for the second time in their entire lives and explain what, where, when & how. It was probably the first time in their lives sitting at a Shabbat table. I hope we were able to give them a good taste of what a Jewish family is and what Shabbat is all about.
Lots of blogging material has been accumulating in the wonderful vacation we are taking in Mexico with family.
Just a quick post about a great concert I was invited to by my sister and brother in law joined by my brother and sister in law, instead of going out for tacos on Saturday night (in the end we also went for tacos after the concert – by the way the food I have been eating for the last week is a topic for a whole new post)
As it’s already a tradition and given the importance that rock/music concerts play in my life I’d like to write about this unique concert and experience we had last Saturday night here in Mexico. For other major concert experiences in Israel I recommend to read my posts about:
This concert was by a group called D’s Salve a la Reina (G’d save the Queen) and it’s a Queen tribute band from Argentina. If I was a little more ignorant about Queen (which I’m not) I would have thought it was the real thing. Take a look at some of the pictures I was able to take (sorry about the quality).
This guy had the voice (not quite Freddie but not that far), the looks and the moves and a very good band backing him up also with sort of the moves and looks, but hey Queen was always about Freddie.
Below is one of the many videos I found on YouTube for this band, see it for yourself, if you are not a Queen connoisseur you could not tell the difference.
Thanks to my siblings for this magic night, we had a great time! It was also great closing it up with a good round of Tacos with Tehina which is possible only in Mexico.
Stay tuned for many more post to come about Mexico City in the eyes of an Israeli from Mexico.
They say that light is stronger than darkness. A small candle can be seen in a completely dark room, however many candles are needed to completely illuminate a dark room. So too each one of us has the potential to illuminate this world and be Or Lagoim, a light unto the nations, each one of us makes a difference as we see with a single candle in a dark room, however we need the light of everyone to illuminate the entire world. Let us all remember what we fought for back in 167–160 BCE and continue to follow on our religion, live and love our land and distance ourselves from negative influences that go against our values.
Enjoy the video card from the kids below:
Lyrics & Stage Director: Batya
Producer and Director: Dad
Technical assistant: Mom
Special appearance: Ilan
Music: The Beatles
חנוכה שמח
If you liked this video you can take a look at last year’s here Chanukah Sameach 5769.
Exciting announcement! – Clock has been reset for a very important arrival.
I am so excited to announce that the “next family visit” clock on the blog will be set once again, but this time it’s not just a visit, this time it’s an Aliyah. I’m so excited for my sister in law’s Aliyah as I was for my own. I’m proud of her for her accomplishments and her smart decision and wish her lots of success and an easy klitah in our land. We are happy to have you here and hope we can slowly but surely bring the rest of you over here, where we all belong.
Just a quick post to share some photos of two different events at Ilan’s gan. One was when we planted some plants outside of his classroom and the other one a pre-Chanukah party with some photos with Ariela.
Your favorite blog was attacked yesterday by a Chinese Warrior. This Chinese Warrior came specifically from San Ch’Ung in the island of Taiwan.
Fellow bloggers, please take note.
The above mentioned warrior is a modern warrior aka Spammer. It all started with a random comment on the blog saying “I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^” (clearly translated by Google) from a person named 非凡 which means “Extraordinary” in Chinese (thanks again Google translate). Some time after that I received in a time period of about 10 minutes more than 50 comments one on each blog post with links in Chinese.
I have already taken measures to go after the San Ch’Ungean warrior (many other Ch words come to my mind in Spanish for this person) it’s my way of defending my modest blog and its visitors. Just think of it as King David with his slingshot against the Su Ching… warrior. Justice will prevail.
How does this affect my loyal readers?
Just disregard messages and links on the comments section in Chinese (I have taken out several of them), and when you post a comment you will need to confirm a word on the space provided.