Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Here we go.... Welcome to our blog!

Welcome to "The Weisser's Journey to Israel" blog!

You might be new to the blogging am I. So let's try it out, have some fun and see how it goes.

We thought that a good way to keep in touch with family and friends around the world would be to start a blog so that you can hear about our experience as we make Aliyah and incorporate into the Israeli society as well as keep you updated with what we are up to. I hope I can keep it updated and would love to hear your feedback (so post your comments).

The language of choice will be English so that everyone can understand (I also think my writing in English is now stronger than in Spanish). Also, for those that might not understand some of the Hebrew words I will be using I will try to translate or explain through links.

We are very excited to be able to accomplish this dream of ours. We are taking a Nefesh b'Nefesh flight on July 21 and will be in Israel on July 22.

I'll talk to you soon...


judy said...

My english is not as good but lets hope everybody understands.
I wish you all the best luck in this project "Weisser´s Aliyah".
I´m very happy and also very proud of you to be brave enough and for the enourmous effort it takes to achieve your dreams.
I´m sure with that kind of attitude nothing is impossible.
Love Judy

Shay said...

The Phillymovicius (soon Chicagovicius) wish you all the best in this journey.
We will miss you lots and lots!!

We are very proud of you and we hope we can visit very soon.

Behatzlaja Rava!!

Shay, Galia and Meir

wendy said...

Kol HaCavode lachem. I wish you much success in all your endeavors and look forward to keeping up with you on your blog.
Wendy Shaw

Rajel Fele said...

Hola Weisser´s como están!!!
Fue realmente impresionante y muy emocionante verlos llegar a la Aretz.
Realmente nos sentimos muy cerca de ustedes.
Ver su cara de felicidad al llegar fue uno de los mejores momentos que pueden haber.
Les deseo una Klita Kala, y creanme que son un ejemplo a seguir para toda la familia.
Los quiero muchísimo
Su tia, hermana cuñada

Anonymous said...

Queridos Isra,Liora,Batush e Ilancho:
Apenas hoy domingo pude leer con calma el Blog y volvì a ver parte del video de su llegada a la Aretz.
Es una gran emociòn hijos,KOL HAHAVOD.ALU VEHATZLIJU;kVAR ALITEM,TAMSHIJU LAALOT(en todos los aspectos)BETATZLIJU.lOS QUIERE 1000-8000 Zeide Ramy

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