Thanks for your feedback on the blog. I’m glad you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. Your feedback is important.
Below is a slide show of the last couple of weeks. It includes pictures from many parks, the Museum of Israel, Ein Yael Living Museum, Mini Israel, a small b’day party for Batya with cousins, the Weizmann Institute of Science. As you can see we had plenty of time to tour around before the kids start school on Sept. 1. Unfortunately we were unable to tour the north because of lack of hotel space last week and interviews this week, however we still got to visit many places.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Our first guests
It was nice to spend a Shabbat at our home and it was even nicer being able to have friends for dinner on Friday night. It made us feel like we are at our own place and can start sharing with others.
I must admit that we would have liked to have a little more to offer to our guests other than the plastic plates and silverware, wine on plastic, and delicious but creative cooking by Liora given the limited amount of pots and pans we have (all our kitchenware is coming in our shipment). However we had a great time and hope we can host many more of you soon. Pa y Ma (on both sides) we are already waiting for you. Hillel we’ll see you very soon. Jill are you here now? Ariela, Liora, we can’t wait for your trips to Israel to see you around here. Nat, too bad the upcoming summer won’t work, see you some other time.
Continuing the “To be Israeli” theme, I’m right now looking on TV the final for “Kohav Nolad 6” (A star is born) the Israeli version of American Idol. The winner is a kid named Israel in case anyone was wondering. We just followed the last two shows. It was fun, it included some of our favorites from Shlomo Artzi, Arik Einstein, Rita, Etc. and believe it or not it made us feel more Israeli.
We witnessed a funny Israeli moment the other day driving in Jerusalem that I wish I had a camera handy. As we are waiting for a left turn only red light a huge truck not wanting to wait behind us to continue straight, goes half of the wheels on the street and the other half on the sidewalk taking the truck on an almost 45 degree angle, passing us and the rest of the cars and then with a fast drop back straight to the road. After witnessing this barbarous driving act we noticed the writing on the back of the truck: “VeIsrael Nohaguim Vezehirut UBitachon” (In Israel we drive with caution and safe). We just had to burst in laughter.
Please check the blog soon for new pictures of places we have visited as well as family and friends we have seen.
I must admit that we would have liked to have a little more to offer to our guests other than the plastic plates and silverware, wine on plastic, and delicious but creative cooking by Liora given the limited amount of pots and pans we have (all our kitchenware is coming in our shipment). However we had a great time and hope we can host many more of you soon. Pa y Ma (on both sides) we are already waiting for you. Hillel we’ll see you very soon. Jill are you here now? Ariela, Liora, we can’t wait for your trips to Israel to see you around here. Nat, too bad the upcoming summer won’t work, see you some other time.
Continuing the “To be Israeli” theme, I’m right now looking on TV the final for “Kohav Nolad 6” (A star is born) the Israeli version of American Idol. The winner is a kid named Israel in case anyone was wondering. We just followed the last two shows. It was fun, it included some of our favorites from Shlomo Artzi, Arik Einstein, Rita, Etc. and believe it or not it made us feel more Israeli.
We witnessed a funny Israeli moment the other day driving in Jerusalem that I wish I had a camera handy. As we are waiting for a left turn only red light a huge truck not wanting to wait behind us to continue straight, goes half of the wheels on the street and the other half on the sidewalk taking the truck on an almost 45 degree angle, passing us and the rest of the cars and then with a fast drop back straight to the road. After witnessing this barbarous driving act we noticed the writing on the back of the truck: “VeIsrael Nohaguim Vezehirut UBitachon” (In Israel we drive with caution and safe). We just had to burst in laughter.
Please check the blog soon for new pictures of places we have visited as well as family and friends we have seen.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Let it be!
Let me share with you the news I woke up to today after reading the newspaper.
He is coming!!!
Apparently he had to wait until I’m here. No, it’s not the Mashiach, but he must be nearby too.
Click below to see what I’m talking about.
He is coming!!!
Apparently he had to wait until I’m here. No, it’s not the Mashiach, but he must be nearby too.
Click below to see what I’m talking about.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
To be Israeli
Today I bought a book that was recommended to me called “To be Israeli” with easy to understand Hebrew. Although I have not started it I thought of putting a line or two on a couple of funny/unusual experiences we had these last days.
You know you are Israeli when:
- You proudly wear your Naot Sandalim (Sandals) everywhere – Today I bought my first pair and made my crocs jealous. I do feel more Israeli on them (the locals probably see me as a tourist on Israeli sandals).
- You have a meeting at the a park where you sign official documents – Yep, that also happened today. We had a meeting with our shipping company sitting down on the park’s sidewalk in Jerusalem. Papers where flying everywhere. It was a very funny scene. Our things will be arriving in Haifa’s port in a week or so (Batya’s Barbies cruise across the Atlantic is coming to and end) after that we hope to have our things in another week or two.
- You honk before the traffic light is green – That one I have not done, however I have been honked before the green light. As many of you know people around here have less Sablanut (patience), because of that the traffic light system has the following colors in this order:
1. GREEN = Go (fast)
2. YELLOW =Start stopping (surprisingly this one is very well respected)
3. RED = Stop
4. RED & YELLOW = Get foot off the brake and honk loudly
5. GREEN = Go (fast)
No kidding on the order of lights.
- You master the 4 swivel wheel drive of shopping carts and have your 5 shekel coin ready– We previously talked about the need for the 4 swivel wheel. It also has a lot to do with the Sablanut issue. The 5 shekel coin is needed to get your shopping cart and you get it back if you return it.
- You eat your hummus everyday – OK maybe not everyday but you do consume a lot of it here.
- You wear your sunglasses on your head – I do not use sunglasses but it’s interesting to see that man do like wearing them on their heads. Don’t ask why, once I become one I will let you know.
- Daven Arvit (night time prayer) on the sidewalk or park with your neighbors – I’ve done the park one. But it’s amazing one can do that around here.
- When you give driving directions you end with “Yashar Yashar Yashar ad hasof” (Straight Straight Straight ‘til the end) or “Yashar Yashar Yashar ve tishal shama” (Straight Straight Straight and ask there) – That is also true 90% of the time.
- You say Shabbat Shalom on Thursdays – Since people’s last day of the work week is Thursday.
Well as you can see we try to enjoy our cultural differences with a little bit of fun. As we discover more of these we will share them with you.
Shabbat Shalom.
You know you are Israeli when:
- You proudly wear your Naot Sandalim (Sandals) everywhere – Today I bought my first pair and made my crocs jealous. I do feel more Israeli on them (the locals probably see me as a tourist on Israeli sandals).
- You have a meeting at the a park where you sign official documents – Yep, that also happened today. We had a meeting with our shipping company sitting down on the park’s sidewalk in Jerusalem. Papers where flying everywhere. It was a very funny scene. Our things will be arriving in Haifa’s port in a week or so (Batya’s Barbies cruise across the Atlantic is coming to and end) after that we hope to have our things in another week or two.
- You honk before the traffic light is green – That one I have not done, however I have been honked before the green light. As many of you know people around here have less Sablanut (patience), because of that the traffic light system has the following colors in this order:
1. GREEN = Go (fast)
2. YELLOW =Start stopping (surprisingly this one is very well respected)
3. RED = Stop
4. RED & YELLOW = Get foot off the brake and honk loudly
5. GREEN = Go (fast)
No kidding on the order of lights.
- You master the 4 swivel wheel drive of shopping carts and have your 5 shekel coin ready– We previously talked about the need for the 4 swivel wheel. It also has a lot to do with the Sablanut issue. The 5 shekel coin is needed to get your shopping cart and you get it back if you return it.
- You eat your hummus everyday – OK maybe not everyday but you do consume a lot of it here.
- You wear your sunglasses on your head – I do not use sunglasses but it’s interesting to see that man do like wearing them on their heads. Don’t ask why, once I become one I will let you know.
- Daven Arvit (night time prayer) on the sidewalk or park with your neighbors – I’ve done the park one. But it’s amazing one can do that around here.
- When you give driving directions you end with “Yashar Yashar Yashar ad hasof” (Straight Straight Straight ‘til the end) or “Yashar Yashar Yashar ve tishal shama” (Straight Straight Straight and ask there) – That is also true 90% of the time.
- You say Shabbat Shalom on Thursdays – Since people’s last day of the work week is Thursday.
Well as you can see we try to enjoy our cultural differences with a little bit of fun. As we discover more of these we will share them with you.
Shabbat Shalom.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Following some feedback to post more often and not necessarily long blogs, here’s some short experience I had today.
Kosher Kentucky Fried Chicken, What a concept!
Today we stopped by The Jerusalem Kenion (Mall) and for the first time I tried a Kentucky Fried Chicken. For non-Kosher people it might sound like a trivial thing to do, but for me it was a big deal.
The KFC and Pizza Hut are right next to each other, however, they are completely separate and the tables are divided by a glass mehitzah. Yes, it’s still Colonel Sanders everywhere, I was nor really expecting to see Rabbi Sanders or the Colonel wearing a Yarmulka. :)
For all those who have never tried it, it’s good but not that big of a deal. Jason’s Super bowl wings far exceed KFC’s, plus KFC’s only come in regular and spicy.
So what’s the big deal of eating at KFC if the meal was just good? Just the fact that I was able to do so. One of the added benefits of living in Israel, it makes me feel like a regular person that’s able to eat at a KFC like anyone else.
Being in Israel makes me feel like I belong here for big things as well as little things.
I would still go for a Shwarma before KFC but now I can say that I have tried it.
By the way Burger King was also good but I wonder what it would taste like with Cheese.
Kosher Kentucky Fried Chicken, What a concept!
Today we stopped by The Jerusalem Kenion (Mall) and for the first time I tried a Kentucky Fried Chicken. For non-Kosher people it might sound like a trivial thing to do, but for me it was a big deal.
The KFC and Pizza Hut are right next to each other, however, they are completely separate and the tables are divided by a glass mehitzah. Yes, it’s still Colonel Sanders everywhere, I was nor really expecting to see Rabbi Sanders or the Colonel wearing a Yarmulka. :)
For all those who have never tried it, it’s good but not that big of a deal. Jason’s Super bowl wings far exceed KFC’s, plus KFC’s only come in regular and spicy.
So what’s the big deal of eating at KFC if the meal was just good? Just the fact that I was able to do so. One of the added benefits of living in Israel, it makes me feel like a regular person that’s able to eat at a KFC like anyone else.
Being in Israel makes me feel like I belong here for big things as well as little things.
I would still go for a Shwarma before KFC but now I can say that I have tried it.
By the way Burger King was also good but I wonder what it would taste like with Cheese.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
What a beautiful country.
With no school or work this past week felt a lot like vacation.
We went to several sites and have been exploring the places we can go with the kids including the safari/zoo in Ramat Gan (Tel-Aviv), the Monkey Park, Caesaria and its beach, The Mifletzet (Monster) Park in Jerusalem, Yafo, Kibutz Hatzor to visit a friend and a Kosher Burger King. (see the photo slide below).
We spent the last two Shabbats at family in Jerusalem and it was very nice. It’s great to have you all here. This last Shabbat Ilan and Batya got to meet and play with 10 cousins from all ages plus aunts and uncles.
I would like to try something new and see if it works. I’d like to ask for feedback on any questions or specific topics you would like me to write about regarding our experience here in Israel. Please leave a comment or send me an email with your requests.
Take a look at the photos below and a couple of videos: “dizzy” video at the Gan Hamifletzet (Monster Park) and the kids at Mishkenot Shaananim. Remember that you can also look at our latest videos on the right or by going to
We went to several sites and have been exploring the places we can go with the kids including the safari/zoo in Ramat Gan (Tel-Aviv), the Monkey Park, Caesaria and its beach, The Mifletzet (Monster) Park in Jerusalem, Yafo, Kibutz Hatzor to visit a friend and a Kosher Burger King. (see the photo slide below).
We spent the last two Shabbats at family in Jerusalem and it was very nice. It’s great to have you all here. This last Shabbat Ilan and Batya got to meet and play with 10 cousins from all ages plus aunts and uncles.
I would like to try something new and see if it works. I’d like to ask for feedback on any questions or specific topics you would like me to write about regarding our experience here in Israel. Please leave a comment or send me an email with your requests.
Take a look at the photos below and a couple of videos: “dizzy” video at the Gan Hamifletzet (Monster Park) and the kids at Mishkenot Shaananim. Remember that you can also look at our latest videos on the right or by going to
Friday, August 8, 2008
Back to civilization
It now feels more like home.
We moved last Friday to our new home and it felt so good. We have unpacked our luggage and now enjoy our own closets, since last Wednesday we got internet, cable TV and telephone. It's starting to feel more like we are here to stay. Back to civilization...
Modiin is beautiful. It all looks relatively new and well planned. We are starting to get around better and better everyday (sorry GPS).
Last Friday we had to make our first big trip to the supermarket to get everything for our new house. It was a unique and interesting experience. In the beginning I did not understand why the carts have 4 swivel wheels but realized that even though people at the busiest time of the week are trying to defy the laws of physics and try to have two objects occupy the same space at the same time, there is no other way to have everyone out of the store by 5pm if the carts would not move horizontaly too. People simply move your cart and push you if you stand for more than 10 seconds. Being able to buy everything from the store knowing that it's all Kosher it's great but a little overwhelming too. The possibilities are endless.
The children are doing great. They are very happy and are adjusting wonderfully. The truth is that for the four of us it feels so far like a vacation with no school, camp or work, except for the many offices we have visited and interviews I have been to. We have booked them to their schools/day care that start on Sept. 1. We have visited a lot of family, friends, and local attractions including a safari/zoo, water park, shopping centers etc.
It has been so nice to be able to reconnect with family, Israeli friends and Mexican friends in Israel over the last 3 weeks. For the next two weekends we will be spending Shabbat in Jerusalem with our family. Thanks for hosting us. Spending the beginning of 9 of Av in Jerusalem will be very meaningful and let's hope that we can soon celebrate on that day.
Our hebrew is getting better and better and we have had many funny occurrences such as Liora asking about a Neguia test vs. Neigah test (Touching test vs. Driving test) as we were going through the drivers license process. Also we have had many times where we buy something on the supermarket without reading every description of the product and at home when we open it we realize it was a different product or flavor. It's a great way to try new things I guess.
Since I have finally access to internet on my computer now I'm able to upload and share videos and photos. The photos below are from our last days in the NY, our arrival in Israel and our first 2 weeks here. I have included a very cute video of the kids below. Please look at the right on "Weisser's on Youtube" for the rest of the videos. Enjoy!
We moved last Friday to our new home and it felt so good. We have unpacked our luggage and now enjoy our own closets, since last Wednesday we got internet, cable TV and telephone. It's starting to feel more like we are here to stay. Back to civilization...
Modiin is beautiful. It all looks relatively new and well planned. We are starting to get around better and better everyday (sorry GPS).
Last Friday we had to make our first big trip to the supermarket to get everything for our new house. It was a unique and interesting experience. In the beginning I did not understand why the carts have 4 swivel wheels but realized that even though people at the busiest time of the week are trying to defy the laws of physics and try to have two objects occupy the same space at the same time, there is no other way to have everyone out of the store by 5pm if the carts would not move horizontaly too. People simply move your cart and push you if you stand for more than 10 seconds. Being able to buy everything from the store knowing that it's all Kosher it's great but a little overwhelming too. The possibilities are endless.
The children are doing great. They are very happy and are adjusting wonderfully. The truth is that for the four of us it feels so far like a vacation with no school, camp or work, except for the many offices we have visited and interviews I have been to. We have booked them to their schools/day care that start on Sept. 1. We have visited a lot of family, friends, and local attractions including a safari/zoo, water park, shopping centers etc.
It has been so nice to be able to reconnect with family, Israeli friends and Mexican friends in Israel over the last 3 weeks. For the next two weekends we will be spending Shabbat in Jerusalem with our family. Thanks for hosting us. Spending the beginning of 9 of Av in Jerusalem will be very meaningful and let's hope that we can soon celebrate on that day.
Our hebrew is getting better and better and we have had many funny occurrences such as Liora asking about a Neguia test vs. Neigah test (Touching test vs. Driving test) as we were going through the drivers license process. Also we have had many times where we buy something on the supermarket without reading every description of the product and at home when we open it we realize it was a different product or flavor. It's a great way to try new things I guess.
Since I have finally access to internet on my computer now I'm able to upload and share videos and photos. The photos below are from our last days in the NY, our arrival in Israel and our first 2 weeks here. I have included a very cute video of the kids below. Please look at the right on "Weisser's on Youtube" for the rest of the videos. Enjoy!
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